Mad Seven Apps

Apolo Browser - Ad Block - Coupon Code 3.1.8
Mad Seven
Apolo Browser is a new web browser combining completely innovativeAdBlock, Shopper and Antivirus technology for the Android browser!Apolo Browser is designed to offer both speed and security, so youcan enjoy smooth, fast navigation without intrusive pop-ups,malware or other annoyances. Codee, your best friend Apolo Browserautomatically applies the best Internet discount coupons forthousands of merchant sites Codee, our web cosmonaut, searches andfinds for you the best offers available With Codee, test all validcoupon codes of your favourite online shops in one click. You havenothing to do, Codee searches for the coupon code. When you seeCodee at the bottom of your screen, it means you are saving money!You can deactivate Codee at any time in the Apolo settings That isnot all: Apolo Browser is simply the fastest and most securebrowsing experience available on Android Apolo AdBlocker ApoloBrowser offers an integrated adblocker to provide the best ad-freeand tracking-free browsing experience on your smartphone. Enjoysmooth, fast browsing without intrusive pop-ups, malware orviruses. Apolo Browser reduces page loading time, improvesperformance, and protects against malware or virus-infected ads.Apolo Browser improves browsing speed from 3 to 5 times on Android,which optimises your battery consumption as well as your DATA Sconsumption. Apolonymous: Private and anonymous browsing If you donot want to record your activity, your history or your searches,you can browse in privacy with the private navigation mode.Customisable home page: Select your favourite search engine fromGoogle ™, Bing ™, Duckduckgo ™, Yahoo ™, Baidu ™, Yandex ™ Manageyour customisable homepage from your settings : - Favourite sites -News feeds without ads - Your most visited sites. - Your searchhistory Apolo Browser has the following features: * Discountvouchers * Special offers and private deals * Built-in AdBlock *Blocking pop-ups and all intrusive ads * Tracking protection withprivate browsing * Blocking of tracking scripts * Management ofyour favourites * Management of your history * Private tabs *Recenttabs * Battery optimisation * Data optimisation Apolo Browser isoptimised for viewing on smartphones and tablets. Your satisfactionis our priority and we would be delighted to receive your commentsin order to best respond to your suggestions. Our team is at yourdisposal. Together, we make Apolo better! Apolo Browser is aproduct of the Apolo launcher family
Apolo Launcher: Boost, theme, wallpaper, hide apps 1.3.4
Mad Seven
Do you want to be at the cutting edge of technology? Discover ApoloLauncher: the Android revolution ever created. 🏆 Apolo launcher wasvoted the best application launcher New 2019 interface inspired byAndroid Q and Fuschia Thanks to our advanced technology, yoursmartphone breaks the limits : Enjoy an extended autonomy and getamazed by our navigation speed optimisations. Features: 📱Homescreen Change your screen rendering by customising the number ofrows or columns, size, colour and much more... 😎 Dark mode Switchto the dark side with night mode and give your smartphone a classytouch. 🔐 Hidden application Hide and make confidential theapplications you want to protect. 🍭 Editing icons Customize eachicon individually or fully customise your smartphone with yourfavourite theme! Apolo launcher is compatible with over a thousandthemes and icon packs! 👕 350K Wallpapers Access a library of morethan 350,000 wallpapers. Art, Auto, Design, football… More than 20categories are available to meet all your desires. 🎨 CustomizationChange the color of your interface with a selection of 25 trendyshades Combine your smartphone with your favorite universe, Apololauncher is compatible with more than a thousand themes and iconpacks! 🚀 Apolo Boost Apolo reveals the best of your smartphonethanks to its technology booster +! In one click, boost your RAMand extend your device's autonomy. 💡 Apolo Hub From the homescreen, this new smart and fun page allows you to quickly accessthe weather forecast, your favourite applications and a newsfeedcustomisable according to your interests. To do this, simply swipeto the right. ☀️ Weather 3D We offer you a new weather widget withforecasts for 3, 5, 7 and 16 days. 🌏 Apolo Search + Located on thebottom of the screen for easy access, the Apolo search bar lets youto search for a website, a phone number, an application or a simplecontact. 🔔 Badge Count Facebook, Whatsapp... Do not miss any moremessages. With Apolo, you can now see the number of notificationsdirectly on the icon via a counter display. 🔰 Application shortcutA simple touch of the finger on Whatsapp, Facebook, will allow youto see the latest notifications at a glance. Or access theshortcuts of your applications Optimised for display on phone ortablet. Your satisfaction is our priority ! We will be pleased toreceive your feedbacks to best respond to your suggestions. Ourteam is at your disposal. Together, let's make Apolo better! ### LaFrench Tech La French Tech is a booming movement of Frenchentrepreneurs, investors and tech innovators gathered under thesame banner, supported by the French government. As an ecosystem,La French Tech sets up entrepreneurs for success with pro-businesspolicies, access to funding from enthusiastic investors, incubatorsoffering mentorship and support, and a deep pool of tech talent.
Stylee : l'app shopping des influenceurs mode 1.2.0
Mad Seven
Shoppeur Addict, vous aussi vous passez des heures à chercher lesproduits portés par vos influenceurs préférés ? On a la solution :Stylee, le nouveau révélateur de style ! Stylee est une appgratuite qui te permet de shopper les dernières tendances portéespar nos muses, digitales modeuses. Lance toi dans une expérienceshopping unique, scan tes looks favoris, retrouve ton article coupde coeur et Stylee te rembourse une partie de tes achats chez + de300 marques comme Boohoo, Nastygal, Na-Kd, Mango, Zalando, Asos,sans oublier les marques Premium tel que Maje, The Kooples, Sandro,Bash ou encore les plus grandes marques de Luxe Balenciaga,Balmain, Fendi, Gucci, Prada Chaque jour des dizaines de nouveauxlooks sont ajoutés! Mais ce n'est pas tout ! • Ajoute tesinfluenceurs préférés Français ou Internationaux en favoris ! • En1 clic, retrouve tous les articles de la tenue et shoppe ton coupde coeur ! • Le look de tes rêves est hors budget ? On te proposedes produits similaires à des prix abordables ! • Scan tes looksfavoris et retrouve les articles portés • Nous trouvons pour toiles articles des meilleurs looks du moment, définis par catégories:streetwear, casual, chic, workwear... Il y en a pour tous lesgoûts! • N’attends pas les soldes pour faire des économies, activele cashback et fais-toi rembourser une partie de tes achats. • Jouraprès jour ton shopping sera plus inspirant et la wishlist sera tonalliée pour composer tes futurs looks. • Découvre de nouvellesicônes de mode, des nouvelles marques et vote pour tes stylesfavoris ! Télécharge vite l’application, pour avoir accès à unemultitude de possibilités !
Leev 1.1.3
Mad Seven
Avec son approche positive et motivante Leev vous aidera chaquejourà combattre l’envie de fumer et vous guidera vers votrenouvelle viede non- fumeur. Cette application a été construiteautour d’unenouvelle méthode mise en place par des chercheursaméricains,spécialisés dans les comportements addictifs, quis’axeessentiellement sur la motivation, le changement des habitudesetl’estime de soi. Respirez, votre nouvelle vie commence ! Votreprogression en temps réel Retrouvez les résultats de voseffortsquotidiens grâce à votre tableau de bord personnalisé : -Nombre dejours passés sans fumer - L’argent économisé - Le nombredecigarettes non-fumées - L’espérance de vie gagnée - Le monoxydedecarbone non inhalé ...  Visualisez vos objectifs Vous pouvezenfinidentifier clairement les différents impacts de l’arrêt delacigarette dans votre vie. Pour rester motivé, consultezlesprochains objectifs à atteindre.  Un accompagnement sur mesure!Vous avez envie de fumer ? Vous avez fumé ? Vous avez surmontéuneenvie de fumer ? Pas de panique, Leev est le compagnon idéalquivous aidera à faire face à ces situations en vous proposantdessolutions adaptées : exercices de respiration, boire del’eau,jouer à un jeu déstressant...  Informer pour mieux motiver !Leevpropose de nombreux articles exclusifs traitant des sujets liésàl’arrêt de la cigarette, la motivation ou encore lesastucesnaturelles pour combattre les symptômes du sevrage. Donnezunnouveau souffle à votre vie !
Laïa 1.1.3
Mad Seven
Laïa, the app that supports women throughout their menstrual cycle